.But a whip has two ends. It will also strike the author. He will also be beaten. It’s not actually amusing, though, its boring. There is no escape from boredom. Boredom causes all sorts of pseudonyms. All sorts be it Lavater, the empress of the planets, or all sorts of costumiers, magicians and wizards. What is to be done? Nothing. There is no escape from boredom. But it is possible to not be bored. (In this world nothing is impossible).
.One can write a number of undeniable truths. They belong to everyone, and in particular, to no one. They are trampled underfoot. They lie in dust and neglect like pebbles, smoothed and polished, somewhere on a riverbank or on the street. Undeniable truths can crack skulls. Why shouldn’t the author have a good time? Let the reader flagellate himself.
.But a whip has two ends. It will also strike the author. He will also be beaten. It’s not actually amusing, though, its boring. There is no escape from boredom. Boredom causes all sorts of pseudonyms. All sorts be it Lavater, the empress of the planets, or all sorts of costumiers, magicians and wizards. What is to be done? Nothing. There is no escape from boredom. But it is possible to not be bored. (In this world nothing is impossible).
.One can write a number of undeniable truths. They belong to everyone, and in particular, to no one. They are trampled underfoot. They lie in dust and neglect like pebbles, smoothed and polished, somewhere on a riverbank or on the street. Undeniable truths can crack skulls. Why shouldn’t the author have a good time? Let the reader flagellate himself.
.Each morning thousands of people (millions of people) rub their eyes, casting off their dreams. And at the same time billions of people, having put aside their affairs, go to bed. Humanity works continuously, albeit in shifts. Antipodes are possible both in space and time. And if in space they are oriented to each other by their soles, then in time they are oriented by what? – ends or beginnings?
.Each morning thousands of people (millions of people) rub their eyes, casting off their dreams. And at the same time billions of people, having put aside their affairs, go to bed. Humanity works continuously, albeit in shifts. Antipodes are possible both in space and time. And if in space they are oriented to each other by their soles, then in time they are oriented by what? – ends or beginnings?
Here is a brief history of Kazakhstani artists’ presence in Venice.
The transdisciplinary collective ORTA (Alexandra Morozova, Rustem Begenov, Darya Jumelya, Alexandr Bakanov, Sabina Kuangaliyeva) represents Kazakhstan for its first national participation at the 59th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, 23 April – 27 November 2022. LAI–PI–CHU–PLEE–LAPA Centre for the New Genius is inspired by the life and work of Almaty artist, writer and inventor Sergey Kalmykov (1891-1967).
2022 marks the long-awaited first appearance of the national pavilion of Kazakhstan at the Biennale, yet Kazakhstani artists have been present in Venice since 2005, when the first Central Asia Pavilion was established. Since then, various non-profit organisations have held exhibitions and collateral events during the Biennale in Venice.
About Us
Kazakhstan Pavilion: Lai-Pi-Chu-Plee-Lapa. Centre for the New Genius
Curators: ORTA Collective
Commissioner: Meruyert Kaliyeva
Participants: ORTA Collective
Location: Spazio Arco, Zattere
Virtual ‘Pavilion’: Wanted Pavilion: Bad Jokes
Curator: Valeriya Ibraeva
Organiser: ARTMEKEN Gallery
Participants: Kuanysh Bazargaliyev, Zoya Falkova, Saule Dyussenbina, Bakhyt Bubikanova, Yerbossyn Meldibekov, Rashid Nurekeev, Erden Зікібай, Nurbol Nurakhmet, Mansur Smagambetov, Yelena and Viktor Vorobyev, Pavel Ovchinnikov, Aygerim Majithan, Amir and Bakhtiyar Shaikazhanov, Aruzhan Zhumabek, Saule Malieva
Location: online
Main Exhibition of the Biennale: VIVA ARTE VIVA
Curator: Christine Macel
Artists: Yelena and Viktor Vorobyev among others
Location: Giardini
Pop-Up Exhibition: Pavilion of Limited Liability 3.0: Identification
Curators: Olga Veselova, Vladislav Sludskiy
Organiser: Eurasian Cultural Alliance
Participants: Zoya Falkova, Anvar Musrepov
Location: Piazza San Marco
Exhibition: Why Self? Adventures of Social Identities
Curators: Andrea Chinellato and Luca Curci
Participants: Saule Suleimenova among others
Location: Palazzo Ca’Zanardi and Venice Art House
Collateral Event: The Union of Fire and Water
Curator: Suad Garayeva
Commissioner: YARAT
Participants: Almagul Menlibayeva, Rashid Alakbarov
Location: Palazzo Barbaro, San Marco
Workshops and Residency: PROTAGONISTS. The Invisible Pavilion of Kazakhstan
Organiser: IADA
Participants: Askhat Akhmediyarov, Kamilla Gabdullina, Syrlybek Bekbotayev, Aza Shade, Ada Yu, Assel Kadyrkhanova, Alpamys Batyrov
Pop-Up Exhibition: Pavilion of Limited Liability 1.0
Curators: Nikita Kadan, Vladislav Sludskiy
Organiser: Eurasian Cultural Alliance
Participants: Yuliya Levitskaya, Arystanbek Shalbayev, Alexander Ugay, Yelena and Viktor Vorobyev
Location: Piazza San Marco
Curator: Indira Dyussebayeva, Dina Baitassova, Laurent Lehmann
Organiser: IADA
Participants: Said Atabekov, Gaisha Madanova, Galim Madanov and Zauresk Terekbay
Central Asia Pavilion: Winter
Curators: Ayatgali Tuleubek, Tiago Bom
Commissioner: HIVOS
Participants: Vyacheslav Akhunov, Saodat Ismailova, Kamilla Kurmanbekova and Yerlan Tuyakov, Ikuru Kuwajima, Anton Rodin, Aza Shade
Central Asia Pavilion: Lingua Franca
Curators: Boris Chukhovich, Georgy Mamedov, Oksana Shatalova
Commissioners: Asel Akmatova, Andris Brinkmanis
Participants: Natalia Andrianova, Said Atabekov, Artyom Ernst, Galim Madanov and Zauresh Terekbay, Yerbossyn Meldibekov, Alexander Nikolaev, Marat Raiymkulov, Aleksey Rumyantsev and Alla Rumyantseva, Adis Seitaliyev
Location: Palazzo Malipiero, San Marco
Collateral Event: Unconditional Love
Organiser: Spazio Thetis
Participants: Almagul Menlibayeva among others
Location – Spazio Thetis, Arsenale Novissimo
Central Asia Pavilion: Making Interstices
Curator: Beral Madra
Commissioner: Vittorio Urbani
Participants: Ermek Jaenisch, Jamshed Kholikov, Oksana Shatalova, Anzor Salidjanov, Yelena and Viktor Vorobyev
Location: Palazzo Molin, Zattere
Central Asia Pavilion: Muzykstan: Media Generation of Contemporary Artists
Куратор, комиссар: Юлия Сорокина
Со-куратор: Улан Джапаров
Участники: Azia Animation, Digsys, ZITABL, Саид Атабеков, Вячеслав Ахунов, Алла Гирик, Наталья Дю, Максим и Валерий Задарновские, Гаухар Киекбаева, Роман Маскалев, Алмагуль Менлибаева, Гульнур Мукажанова, Айтегин Муратбек уулу, Александр Николаев, Алексей Румянцев, Александр Угай, Вячеслав Усеинов, Джамол Усманов, Джамшед Холиков, Оксана Шаталова
Место: Культурная Ассоциация Spiazzi, Campo S Martino
Central Asia Pavilion: Art from Central Asia. A Contemporary Archive
Curator: Viktor Misiano
Commissioner: Churek Djamgerchinova
Participants: Vyacheslav Akhunov, Said Atabekov, Maxim Boronilov, Muratbek Djkumaliev and Gulnara Kasmalieva, Rustam Khalfin, Sergey Maslov, Roman Maskalev, Almagul Menlibayeva, Yerbossyn Meldibekov, Alexander Nikolaev, Julia Tikhonova, Sergey Tichina, Yelena and Viktor Vorobyev
Location: Palazzo Pisani
Alex Warburton
Meruyert Kaliyeva
Text and the City:
Elena Kovalskaya
Dmitriy Mazorenko
Igor Smekalov
Dmitriy Mazorenko
Elena Kovalskaya
ORTA Collective
Sergey Maslov
Heiner Goebbels
Alexander Brener
Valentina Buchinskaya
Assel Jabassova
Qaragoz Simadil
Asqat Yerkimbay
ORTA Collective:
Alexandra Morozova
Rustem Begenov
Darya Jumelya
Sabina Kuangaliyeva
Alexandr Bakanov
Victor Storopov
Igor Tanchik
Teresa Pearce
Duman Nursila
Henryk Baran
Alexandra Berlina
Contributors and Authors of the New Genius Book
Curators and exhibitors
Translation and Editing
Alexey Shirin
Sabira Zhaisanbayeva
Zhanibek Zhamanakov
Eric Zhaisanbayev
Khassangali Isanov
Ykylas Amalbekov
Kenzhegali Amalbekov
Bolat Romankulov
Beibit Safioldanov
Talant Kalibekov
Cardboard Light Generator Hardware and Software Engineer
Technical Team / ORTA
Qonyratbay Fam:
Bibikhadisha Kongyratbay
Sultanali Kongyratbay
Nurgul Nussipzhanova
Tommy Simpson a.k.a. Macro/Micro
ORTA Collective
Nurlan Sarsenov
Chief Project Engineer & Technical Director
Music Collaborators
Talgat Sundetov
Ivan Barychev
Alexey Barychev
Yelizaveta Barycheva
Khakim Tairov
Pavel Palkin
Nurbek Omar
Ilya Morgun
Farid Garipov
Ozhet Zhanbossynov
Alexandr Buymov
Gusseyn Gassanov
Technical Team / ALSEKA-Master
Technical Team / Kaz Smart Tech
Air-robot Engineer
Hydraulics Engineer
Technical Team / Gusseyn & Co
Alissa Igilmanova
Coordinator – Valeriya Kishkinova
Alexandra Kim
Art director – Anel Abenova
Tobia Morra
Denis Chernov
Zgjim Zyba
Artyom Kim
Jungle Bureau
Anita Sieff
Natascia Bordiglia
Graphics – Zhanna Ee, Qyzylzhebe
Jungle Bureau:
Rees & Co
Kombinat Agency
Team Pavilion
Project Coordinator
Production Manager in Venice
Viewing Assistant
Project Coordination in Venice
Visual Identity, Design and Typography
Web Designer
PR & Communications
Nurlan Smagulov Foundation
The worldwide Italian jewellery brand Damiani established itself on the jewelry market in Kazakhstan in 2005. Apart from supporting various charitable activities and collaborating with Asyl Bala, Dara Charity, Saby, Mother's House, Bobek foundations, since its opening in Kazakhstan Damiani has been actively involved in cultural and art initiatives, including being the main sponsor of the Ballet Globe International Festival for more than 10 years.
The Shakhmardan Yessenov Science and Education Foundation was founded by Galimzhan Yessenov in 2013. The foundation’s mission: To develop Kazakhstan’s intellectual potential. It follows the universal traditions of patronage and strives to support innovation in Kazakhstan's higher education in every possible way and render hands-on assistance to the most talented students and young researchers in their education and advanced training.
Nurlan Smagulov Foundation was founded in 2020 by Nurlan Smagulov, the owner of the Astana Group holding and a well-known philanthropist. The history of Astana Group's charity dates back to the 1990s: the company has been helping people for many years, as well as supporting social, sports and cultural projects.
The Saby Charitable Foundation was established in 2002 by its President Aselle Tasmagambetova and Kenes Rakishev. The Foundation conducts various projects aimed at the health of children and their physical development, as well as the availability of education, helping orphans, children left without parental care, children from socially vulnerable families or those with serious health problems.
The Marusya Maralovna Asaubayeva Foundation specializes in the development of social and cultural projects in the country.
G&G is a large distributor of premium segment clothing, footwear and accessories brands, founded in 2001 by businesswoman Gaukhar Kapparova. The company sponsors the Dara Charitable Foundation and allocates nominal scholarships for Narxoz University students.
Marusya Maralovna Asaubayeva Foundation
DOM 36
Boris Yukhananov
Mira Otebayeva
Vyacheslav Abramov
Anastasia Morozova
Dias Feld
Assel Jabassova
Alim Sabitov
Lyazzat Aktayeva
Bayan Shaikh
Almas Sapargaliyev
Gulzhan Akhmetova
Maxim Shvetsov
Saodat Ismailova
Vladislav Sludskiy
Raushan Kalikova
Salima Sarsenova
Gulnara Abikeyeva
Gulmira Shalabayeva
Nazgul Khalelova
Aidarkhan Kaltayev
Adilzhan Kaliyev
Valeriya Kishkinova
Christophe Helain
Raushan Dzhumaniyazova
Anel Abenova
Zhaniya Aubakirova
Teresa Iarocci Mavica
Gulzhamash Zaitbekova
Mira Shapayeva
Zhaniya Mamanova
Elena Kovalskaya
Yuliya Sorokina
Aizhan Yessim
Igor Tanchik
Zamza Kuangaliyeva
Galiya Begenova
Saule Mamayeva
Gaukhar Zaitbekova
Barbara von Muenchhausen
Zhanbyrbay Kuangaliyev
Gennady Levkovsky
Viktor Misiano
A. Kasteyev Museum of Arts, Almaty
Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, Moscow
Eurasian Cultural Alliance
Online magazine Vlast.kz
Transdisciplinary collective ORTA was founded in 2015 by actress Alexandra Morozova and director Rustem Begenov. Since 2017, the group also includes artist Alexandr Bakanov, photo and video designer Daria Jumelya and artist Sabina Kuangaliyeva. ORTA explores the higher dimensions of human creativity through the creation of Universal Projects, including theatre, visual arts and new media art, video and film, technology, social research and philosophy, as well as robotic, computer, electronic engineering and applied arts. Since 2017, their projects have been mainly focused on the New Genius Theory of the artist Sergey Kalmykov (1891-1967).
& artists
Sergey Kalmykov
Sergey Kalmykov was born in 1891 in Samarkand. He studied in Petersburg and Moscow, where he was a member of the art studios of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin and Mstislav Dobuzhinsky. In the 1930s, Kalmykov, at the invitation of the composer Yevgeny Brusilovsky, moved to Alma-Ata to work on the design of the performances of the Kazakh Musical Opera and Ballet Theatre (now Abay Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre), and spent the rest of his life there. Kalmykov called himself the Genius of the First Rank of the Absolute Interplanetary Category and developed ideas and theories on art, science, architecture, society, and human genius. The artist died in 1967 in complete obscurity, but inspired generations of contemporary artists in the region and left behind more than 10,000 pages of manuscripts carefully preserved by the State Archive of Kazakhstan, as well as over 1,500 paintings, drawings and lithographs, which are in the collections of the A. Kasteyev Museum of Arts in Almaty, the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, the Pushkin Museum in Moscow and the Orenburg Museum of Fine Arts in Orenburg.
To share a whole new kind of human activity with the world – The Art of the New Genius – through “The Highness of the Worldwide Advertisement” (as coined by Kalmykov), that the Venice Biennale provides;
To use empirical evidence to find out whether it is possible to capture the emanations from the historic beauty that permeates Venice and that millions of people seek out during their visits to Venice every year;
To open a Portal to the Fourth Dimension – to create an actual rift in our reality, in which we would come into contact with something, the existence of which we all intuitively and tacitly feel – something ancient but always genuinely “relevant”, or, in other words, effective and therefore extremely radical – the root dimension of Man and the world – something which is Unknowable, which is New, which is the Nonentity.
To use the energy of these emanations to launch the Generator of Genius and to open a Portal to the Fourth Dimension;
To create a place that would simultaneously be a research centre, a place of reflection and peace, a place of art, a place of faith, and most importantly – a place of excitement of the Genius of Man;
To find out whether pavilion visitors are able to immerse themselves in the New Genius and avoid viewing our pavilion, our project, and ourselves as objects;
The New Genius
Your genius activation level will be significantly increased after a visit to the Venice Centre for the New Genius.
LAI-PI-CHU-PLEE-LAPA Centre for the New Genius is the first in a series of Centres for the New Genius to be opened all around the world over the next few years, decades and even centuries. These are the goals of the Centre:
The New Genius was created using Sergey Kalmykov's way of thinking and his way of life as the foundation. According to the New Genius, genius can be stimulated, nurtured and cultivated within oneself. This happens under certain conditions and at different levels. There are two global sections of the New Genius: The Practice of Genius and The Physics of Genius. These interpenetrating sections are not easy to separate, but in the interest of clarity, here's an attempt:
The Practice of Genius is a set of principles and techniques for dealing with one's genius that can be applied by anyone. The Practice is simple in content, but like any other authentic practice, it is not so simple in execution. The Practice is not limited to principles already known, it is in constant expansion and development. No one is obliged to adhere to existing principles, everyone can and should create their own principles. "I am a Genius because I called myself a Genius!" – this is the main principle of the New Genius, which does not need to compare anyone to anyone, and certainly does not question the authenticity of this statement. There’s no need for committees! No need for evaluation! Everyone decides for themselves whether they are a genius or not – and no confirmation is needed! The Genius is Absolute. The nature of the Genius is in the Fourth Dimension. There are no measurements, no criteria, no relativity – only absoluteness. "Big" means big – not in comparison to anyone, but just big; "small" means just small, and not smaller than someone. Can't a person be absolute? Yes, they can. Can anyone be a genius? They can! The New Genius is not a given or a grade, it is a Practice. "I am a Genius because I Practice the Genius!"
The Physics of the Genius is the awakening of the genius through physical action. The newest development in this field is Genion Theory, which states that a person doesn’t exist in just the known dimensions – such as the third dimension, the idea dimension, the spiritual dimension, as well as others – but they also exist in the Fourth Dimension or “the genius dimension”. Moreover, while a person is present in the Third Dimension through their body, or in the idea dimension through their thoughts, or in the spiritual dimension through their spirit (or soul), a person is also present in the Fourth Dimension through their genions.
Genions are the fundamental particles in the New Genius that are the manifestation of the Fourth Dimension in a person. Each person exists in the Fourth Dimension through their genions, and the Fourth Dimension exists in a person in the form of genions. The mechanism of the Manifestation of the Fourth Dimension in other known dimensions is not yet fully understood. But it is known that in some existing systems this mechanism manifests itself as "nonlocality", "singularity", "magic". That is, genions are the particles that make up a genius. Genions can be similar to electrons, whose behaviour in electrical current conductors depends on such parameters as temperature, strength, character and direction of the electromagnetic field, and so on. According to Genion Theory, it is possible to create a special field – a Genius Field, which also affects the activity of genions. The degree of genion activity varies greatly from person to person. High activity means high genius, low activity means low genius. Some people may naturally have high activity, while others may never activate their genions to a perceptible level throughout their life. But everyone can (and should!) activate them!
Once again – it is impossible to clearly distinguish between the Practice of Genius and the Physics of Genius – because one is the other, and genius always occurs at the intersection of these two areas.
The Venice Centre for the New Genius creates and explores the conditions for activating genions through visual art, performative substance, music, photography and film, as well as imagination and faith and emanations of the historical beauty of Venice.
Pavilion OF
LAI-PI-CHU-PLEE-LAPA Centre for the New Genius is a symbol and manifesto of the Art of the New Genius!
Spazio Arco
Dorsoduro 1485, 30123 Venice, Italy
(nearest vaporetto stop: Zattere)
Rees & Co
Madeline Adeane | madeline@reesandco.com
+44 (0) 7989 985 850
Rosanna Hawkins | rosanna@reesandco.com
+44 (0) 7910 092 634
Opening Hours:
Tuesday-Sunday, 10 am – 6 pm
Thursday 21 April | 12 pm and 5 pm
Friday 22 April | 12 pm and 5 pm
Saturday 23 April | 12 pm and 5 pm
Sunday 24 April| 12 pm and 5 pm
Tuesday 26 April | 12 pm and 5 pm
Wednesday 27 April | 12 pm and 5 pm
Schedule of “Spectacular Experiments”
Press enquiries
General info
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